ARiM Faculty/Resident Recruitment and Retention Sub-Committee


Faculty/Resident Recruitment and Retention 

Anti-Racism in Medicine Sub-Committee



  • This committee reviews and establishes standards for recruitment and retention of a diverse constituency with a minimal target of reflecting the state of Arizona’s demographics  
  • Goal -  Focus recruitment and retention efforts to increase the pool of diverse residents and faculty


Co-Chairs: Vacant



Short Term Actions/Accomplishments


  • Review current residency/faculty demographics to establish baseline; set long-term goals
  • Ensure uniform collection of faculty demographic data between UA & Banner
  1. Ensure uniform job postings that encourage URiM recruitment, informed by unconscious bias research
  2. Ensure HR recruiters are trained in unconscious bias
  3. Support ODEI initiative to set standards for the makeup of departmental recruitment committees
  4. Implement consistent tracking for offered but not accepted/exit interview process & follow-up
  • Review recruitment sources and resources
  1. Develop list of URiM groups/listservs/affinity organizations for outreach and to develop prospects   
  • Coordinate with Student Recruitment & Retention Sub-Committee to make main COM-T website more diverse; support departmental efforts to enhance residency recruitment website content
  • Support implementation of the Toolkit for Residency (ACGME)

Long Term Actions/Accomplishments


  • Collaborate with Student Recruitment & Retention Sub-Committee to encourage departmental mentorship in support of residency recruitment
  • Provide departmental Diversity Champions with specialty specific faculty and resident recruitment resources
  • Work with ODEI on implementing a national faculty satisfaction tool (e.g., HERI - UCLA)
  • Support COM-T plan for graduated Departmental accountability
  1. In collaboration with ODEI & Diversity Champions, continuously assess diversity and equity within each Department
  2. Support and ensure transparency in the promotion & tenure process