BLSA Black History Month Panel Series: 60 Years After Brown v. Board: African Americans in Education

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - 11:45am to 1:00pm
Event Location: 

James E. Rogers College of Law, Ares Auditorium (Rm. 164)

Our goal for this session is to give a progression of African-Americans in education; from their denial to education, to crowded and segregated facilities, to affirmative action and reverse affirmative action. The speaker may take any angle she/he desires and may speak about, for example: challenges faced by teachers in low income neighborhoods whose responsibilities are to achieve passing test scores, and the pressures placed on these teachers; or the low numbers of African-Americans in graduate programs. For more information, please contact the president of BLSA Maguette Ndiaye at