Event Date:
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
Event Location:
Streaming Event
Speaker: Ayana Jordan, MD, PhD
Hosted by: Department of Psychiatry
Learning Objectives:
- Identify at least two social and two political factors that contribute to the existance and propagation of drug overdose deaths among racial and
- ethnic minoritized people with opioid and other substance use disorders.
- Recognize at least three risk factors that have contributed to worsening addiction disparities among racial and ethnic 111inoritized populations with substance use disorders during COVID-19.
- Recite at least two factors that exist in non-traditional research modalities for racial and ethnic 111inoritized people with substance use disorders, which may be more culturally acceptable for these populations to improve addiction outcomes.
Flyer Details: nov_16_jordan_spark_link.pdf
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