University of Arizona Cancer Center, Conf. Rm. 2920
Eugene F. Levy Building
1515 N. Campbell Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85719
This University of Arizona Cancer Center lecture is part of the Cancer Prevention and Control (CPC) Seminar Series - EEPI 696B. Learn more at the CPC Program webpage.
SPEAKER: Peter Lance, MD, MS, RD | Professor of Medicine, Molecular & Cellular Biology and Public Health - University of Arizona; and Research Member, Cancer Prevention and Control Program, UA Cancer Center
TOPIC: "Improving Adherence to the American Cancer Society Guidelines on Nutrition and Physical Activity Through an Integrated Symptom Management and Lifestyle Behavior Intervention for Latina Cancer Survivors and their Informal Caregivers"
WHEN: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2019 | 9 -10 a.m.
WHERE: UA Cancer Center Leon Levy Building, Conf. Rm. 2920
(Bagels and coffee will be served.)
Watch It LIVE! (Video of this event also will be archived at this link for later viewing.)
In addition, CPC Seminars are now available, via Zoom. Please follow the link If you do not currently have zoom, you will be prompted to download the free app. Alternatively, you can open your zoom app and join the meeting with 6021215414
Presentation Summary: Colorectal cancer screening rates amount Native Americans lag far behind those in the general population. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), a unit of the National Institutes of Health, has an implementation science approach to address this problem.
If you wish to view this presentation at a later time, you may access the video at Click on 'Centers of Excellence" then "Arizona Cancer Center"; scroll to the date desired.
CONTACT: Dianna Gilmore, Sr. Program Coordinator, UA Cancer Center, or (520) 318-7057.